PF KYC क्या है और कैसे करते हैं

How to update EPFO KYC Details on UAN Portal Online?

 What is PF KYC :-

KYC or Know-Your-Customer is the process of verifying the identity of your customers. When the EPFO states for updating of KYC details, it is to include the verification of its members or subscribers. The verification can be done using documents such as PAN, Aadhar Card & Bank etc.

Mandatory KYC :-

1. Aadhaar is need to verified via UAIDI site which is auto linked with EPFO.

2. PAN is also verified from NSDL site.

3. Earlier there is no option to verify your bank account number but now onward your bank account number is also verified means you cannot update your same bank account number in two UAN.

all your KYC need to be verified by your Employer. In case your Company is closed you need to verify your KYC through bank & need to fill offline form to withdraw your money.

Process to update your KYC :-

To update your KYC in your PF account number you need to login your UAN.

you can login your UAN with the help of below URL :-

After login you need to click on Manage Tab 

Click on KYC tab , you can seee below the tabs to fill your KYC detail.

below images for your reference. 

this image refer you to the Tab "Manage" after that click on "KYC"

Update your PAN, Bank & Aadhaar & click on Submit.

your request goes to your current Employer & he will approve it. After that your  KYC approved & you can apply for PF withdraw, Advance & any type of Claim.

For more detail & any query please comment below & if this information is valuable for you then please like & comment. 

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